domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

Gol de Ramos - Final de Champions League: Real Madrid-Atlético de Madrid...

Sergio Ramos García (Camas, Seville, on March 30, 1986) is a Spanish football player of Royal Madrid C. F. of the First Division of Spain. It can occupy the positions both of head office and of right wings. Football made début in The First Division with the Sevilla Club registering in the year 2005 for Royal Madrid C.F. The operation coded in € 27 millions. At present he is the second captain of the equipment after Iker Casillas. Branches it is international absolutely with the Spanish Selection from 2005, with her it conquered the historical "Triplete" Eurocopa-Mundial-Eurocopa. In addition, he is the European football player more young woman in reaching 100 internationalities with his selection. Sergio Ramos during the Euroglass 2012. His début as international of the absolute one, it took place with 18 years, From Antonio Puerta's death, (gol de iniesta final del mundial)
Andrés Iniesta Luján (Fuentealbilla, Albacete, Spain, on May 11, 1984) is a Spanish football player. It plays of centrocampistaen the F. C. Barcelona of the First Division of Spain. His formation like football player her initiated in the low categories of the Albacete Football. It happened for the low categories of the F. C. Barcelona and for the F. C. Barcelona "B" before 2002/03 make début with the first equipment in The First Division during the season. In the year 2010, thanks to his action in the World Cup and with the Barça, it was the second classified one of the FIFA Golden ball, naming it this way, the Best second Player of the Year, just overcome by Lionel Messi. In the year 2012 he was elected A Better player of Europa of the UEFA of the season 2011/12. With " the red one " it illuminates the dorsal number "6", Iniesta was the author of the only goal, in the minute 116 ' of the Final of the World 2010 against Holland. After the final of the Euroglass 2012, Iniesta was named the MVP of the Euroglass 2012. He is the second Spanish who obtains it, after Xavi Hernández, which obtained it of the Euroglass 2008.

1 comentario:

  1. Sergio Ramos,En la actualidad es el segundo capitán del equipo y uno de los jugadores con más influencia dentro de la jerarquía del club.
    Sergio es un tipo alegre, se le conoce como el chico bromista y divertido que pone la música en el vestuario tanto del Madrid como de la Selección española; quienes lo conocen lo describen como un tipo humilde y de gran corazón.
    Gracias a Sergio Ramos que ha estado usando una Camisetas de futbol del Real Madrid.
